Shadows of Girl is a prelude story of the House of Boy series. The short follows two witches, Rachel & Katherine, as they discover new powers of good and evil and the balance between them.
On this project, I experimented more with special effects, color grading, and sound to create a mystical ambience throughout the film. I utilized Adobe After Effects to manipulate the witches magic and shadow creature from stock assets and greenscreen footage. The end result is nothing short of stunning.
Shadows of Girl is a prelude story of the House of Boy series. The short follows two witches, Rachel & Katherine, as they discover new powers of good and evil and the balance between them.
On this project, I experimented more with special effects, color grading, and sound to create a mystical ambience throughout the film. I utilized Adobe After Effects to manipulate the witches magic and shadow creature from stock assets and greenscreen footage. The end result is nothing short of stunning.
Shadows of Girl is a prelude story of the House of Boy series. The short follows two witches, Rachel & Katherine, as they discover new powers of good and evil and the balance between them.
On this project, I experimented more with special effects, color grading, and sound to create a mystical ambience throughout the film. I utilized Adobe After Effects to manipulate the witches magic and shadow creature from stock assets and greenscreen footage. The end result is nothing short of stunning.